Overview of Tobacco-free Policy
Cessation Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact and Follow 无烟寺
Additional Resources
Overview of Tobacco-free Policy
Effective July 1, 2019
PG电子试玩平台致力于为整个社区提供一个无烟环境. The tobacco-free campus policy applies to all U.S. PG电子试玩平台 facilities, properties 和 vehicles. 禁止在任何建筑物内吸烟和使用烟草制品, 停车场, 通路, 覆盖的入口, sports/recreational facilities 和 stadiums, Liacouras走, Polett走, 比斯利走, the Bell Tower 和 adjacent lawns, 奥康纳广场, 和 any other campus walkways or plazas. PG电子试玩平台APP建筑与公共人行道或街道相邻的地方, 在距离建筑物入口20英尺以内的公共人行道和街道上禁止吸烟和使用烟草制品.
PG电子试玩平台将不允许在任何天普制作的出版物中包含任何与烟草有关的广告, marketing or social media, subject to constitutional limitations.
Definition of Tobacco
烟草被定义为所有烟草衍生产品或含烟草产品, including but not limited to:
- 香烟(e.g. clove, bidis, kreteks, cigars 和 cigarillos);
- electronic cigarettes;
- hookah-smoked products;
- 管道;
- 口服烟草(e).g. spit 和 spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff);
- 鼻烟草;
- nicotine delivery devices; 和
- 其他类似烟草制品、含有烟草香料或提供尼古丁的产品.
Products approved by the U.S. Food 和 Drug Administration, when used for cessation, are not considered tobacco under this policy; use of electronic cigarettes is not considered a means of cessation.
All university students, 教师, 管理员, 工作人员和访客有责任合作实现这一政策的目标.
Cessation Resources
Wellness Resource Center: offers wellness consultations to explore stress management
- 电话: 215-204-8436
- 电子邮件: bewelltu@jxgsjj9.com
- 地址:
1755 N. 13日圣.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
215-204-8436 - 办公时间: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuttleman Counseling Services: 为有成瘾行为的学生提供个人或团体咨询,由专业的咨询师提供全面的服务
- 电话: 215-204-7276
- 地址:
1700 N. 广泛的圣.
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Independence Blue Cross: 为参加大学健康计划的员工提供戒烟资源
- 电话: 1 - 800——问——蓝色
- Employee Wellness Smoking Cessation Program
毕生的事业: 一个为员工提供戒烟资源的应用程序和网站, 包括一个激励计划,激励用户保持健康的习惯
Total Wellness Rewards Program: 一个互动的应用程序和网站,允许员工通过参与戒烟计划获得奖励
处方尼古丁替代疗法可以通过邓波儿的保险支付. 有关尼古丁替代疗法的更多细节,请参阅下文.
PG电子试玩平台APP的健康 资源
Smoking Cessation Program: 提供同时使用药物和行为疗法的专家, including support groups, to help people reach their goal of quitting smoking
1 - 800 -现在戒烟
- 西班牙语: 1 - 855 - dejelo丫
- M和arin 和 Cantonese: 1-800-838-8917
- 韩国: 1-800-556-5564
- 越南: 1-800-778-8440
- 传真: 1-800-261-6259
- 免费短信: 文本开始到47848
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
尼古丁替代疗法可以在柜台或处方上购买. 补丁, lozenges 和 nicotine gum can be purchased over the counter, while varenicline (Chantix), bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban), 和Nicotrol鼻喷雾剂或吸入器可由医疗保健提供者开处方.
要了解更多关于尼古丁替代疗法的选择,请访问 中心 for Disease Control 和 Prevention 和 American Cancer Society 资源指南.
Smoking Cessation Apps (available on Android or iOS)
这款应用程序让人们选择是彻底戒烟还是逐渐戒烟. 它可以追踪每天的吸烟量和对尼古丁的渴望. 经常使用时, the app detects patterns for when a person typically craves, 它发送警报, reminders 和 motivation to the user. 它还为进步提供奖励,并有一个内置的社会支持圈.
Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation
这个互动应用程序将你与其他戒烟的人联系起来. 当应用程序打开时,它会提示用户玩游戏或与其他用户交谈. 这款应用还会向用户发送提醒,告诉他们节省了多少钱,以及他们身体的有益变化. There are also reward badges for progress.
这款应用有44种语言版本,并会向用户发送提醒,告知他们节省了多少钱,以及健康福利. 它还有一个互动方面,用户可以与其他戒烟的人联系.
这个应用程序不仅告诉用户他们节省了多少钱,还告诉用户他们的健康福利, 但也允许用户记录他们何时渴望尼古丁,并解释渴望趋势.
This app makes quitting more like a game. The user tracks when they don’t smoke, 这款应用会通过统计数据跟踪用户节省了多少钱, cigarettes not smoked 和 their days of progress.
This app is designed to help smokers quit on a 21-day plan.The first four days are a free trial. 用户可以访问视频,香烟消费跟踪器和提醒. 高级版包括在应用程序中访问现场教练.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be fined if I smoke on campus?
No. There is not a fine for a violation of the tobacco-free campus policy; however, 这违反了《PG电子试玩平台》、《PG电子试玩平台APP》和《PG电子试玩平台》.
My JUUL doesn’t have tobacco in it. Does this mean I can still use it on campus?
No. 校园禁烟政策包括所有形式的电子尼古丁输送设备(也被称为电子烟或vapes)。.
I want to quit smoking but I need help. Are there resources on campus for students?
是的,有很多资源可供学生、教师和工作人员使用. 了解更多.
What are the benefits of a tobacco-free campus?
Through the tobacco-free policy, 天普将为教职员工创造一个更健康、更清洁的环境, 工作人员, students 和 visitors.
How is a tobacco-free campus different than a smoke-free campus?
Unlike a smoke-free campus, which prohibits the use of combustible tobacco products, 包括香烟, cigars 和 cigarillos, 无烟校园还禁止使用无烟烟草(如烟草).g. chew), as well as electronic nicotine delivery devices (e.g. e-cigarettes, vapes, JUUL).
Will there be designated areas to smoke on campus?
No. 由于这是一个100%无烟的校园,所以不会有指定的使用区域.
Where can I go to smoke/vape?
Students will have to leave campus to smoke/vape, but should be considerate to neighboring communities.
To the greatest extent possible, 不得在PG电子试玩平台内出售或分发烟草或烟草用具. Temple将与租户和供应商合作,逐步实现这一要求, acknowledging existing contractual commitments.
I am not a student, but I often pass through Temple’s campus. What does this policy mean for me?
该政策旨在保护社区所有成员的健康和福祉. In order to do so, there will be no use of any tobacco
products on campus; the policy will be fully enforced for members of the Temple community as well as visitors to the campus, including vendors 和 contractors.
Contact and Follow 无烟寺
- 电子邮件: Tobacco免费的Temple@jxgsjj9.com
- 推特: @Tobacco免费的TU
- Instagram: @Tobacco免费的TU